The concept was founded on the questions – What happens in the future with the decrease and eventual elimination of cars? How can we foresee a pedestrianised, walkable city of neighbourhoods where highways won’t be empty voids dividing communities. How can the road spaces be repurposed in a way which connects, reinforces and excites communities. We imagine floating city spaces and community hubs which enable Singapore to become self-sufficient, limiting their dependency on international imports with the capability to create floating vegetation farms which achieve 75% more productivity than traditional farms.

Group Members:

Taylor Day
Deborah Keioskie
Jodie Mitchell
Justin Stokes

A peripheral walking zone encompasses the intervention
High density mixed-use contrasts with open interstitial spaces to create a visual porosity
Layering of plans and section. Green space at the lower levels gives way to higher densities as a sub-city emerges
The ground planes becomes green spaces with no cars or roads
The cable car and sky taxis facilitate top-down entry for residents and visitors
Farming imagined at all levels (Fly through)
Section showing the manipulation of the ground plan to create hillocks supporting the peripheral circulation corridor